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Partner in crime

My man !!

I'm so proud of him really. I don't tell me often coz he's ego maybe too high 

But yeah he's such a lovely partner and dad!!;)



Off today.

We're going for a short trip.

English weather is not to bad. Nice and warm. It's what we like.



Enjoy the time with family x

Dodane 14 SIERPNIA 2024 ze strony mobilnej

Informacje o laurin137

Inni zdjęcia: Głód miłości sumaru24... maxima24SZTUKA NA GARAŻACH *graffiti* xavekittyxSkrawki atramentSynuś nacka89cwa09.10.2024r. quen... maxima24Ja nacka89cwa:) dorcia2700Łęczak slaw300