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Dodano: 3 STYCZNIA 2024

Watering the soul


To grow means to leave much of what we believe to know behind.

To move forward despite the darkness ahead,

to slow down and breath through every moment,

to seek new paths, even if we are afraid.


To find balance by embracing the silence, 

to forgive our mistakes, and

to show our hearts and others more kindness. 


To look up and marvel at the sky and all its colors,

to understand every road we walk is not alone but together.


To have the courage to be patient with ourselves in the moments we need it most.


To look within the deepest parts of ourselves, during the longest parts of the night, and search for our own light.


To have the courage to understand that a seed is not grown with haste, and nor is becoming whole, that in each and every step, we find the meaning of watering the soul.



Courtney Peppernell




Informacje o philosophysophie

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